The Spring Lake Theatre Company is excited to present the cast of our first production of the new decade, 1776 (All Female Cast):
Production Staff:
Producer Patricia Barry Director: Kerry White Choreographer: Christine Baglivio Musical Director: Beth Moore
John Adams: Marybeth Dorman Jacobson
Benjamin Franklin: Christine Jay
Thomas Jefferson: Anne Miele
John Dickinson: Bridget Hughes
Edward Rutledge: Hannah Brodlie
Stephen Hopkins: Donna van Amen
John Hancock: Laura Itzkowitz
Richard Henry Lee: Loretta Boyle
Col. Thomas McKean: Karen Gray
Caesar Rodney: Marti Bookstein
Martha Jefferson: Aislyn Lapp
Abigail Adams: Laura Jackson-Jahnke
James Wilson: Ella Fischer
Charles Thomson: Denise Alderman
Robert Livingston: Cosette Lyncheski
Roger Sherman: Fran Centofante Katz
Lewis Morris: Denise Sobotka
Samuel Chase: Thea Sheridan
Andrew McNair: Theresa Miele
Dr. Josiah Bartlett: Dr. Ellen Miele
George Read: Debbie Ippolito
Dr. Lyman Hall: Leslie Barlow
Rev. John Witherspoon: Christine Kennedy
Joseph Hewes: TBA
Courier: Erin Lucid
Leather Apron: Keelin Mauri
Painter: Sydney Katz
Painter: Bethany Weise